Welke ontwerper laat van zich horen?

Dear Cathy…..I wish you could have been at my show. I think it was a really good one. I am happy with it on every level. I deliberately stated I was uninspired this season as I have felt that talking about inspiration is so not the point to making and showing a collection…….

Wie-o-wie reageert op een kritisch blogje van Cathy Horyn van the NewYork Times?

…Inspiration is a catalyst. one is left with an interpretation of those thoughts. In a show context they are meant to "say" something…..I felt it necessary to allow the audience to say what they want, to see what they saw. There was no wrong or right. everyone is entitled to their opinions. Big deal….My last few collections have been nothing but an expression of where I am at and what interests me and my team in terms of cut, shape, color and our individual interests in fashionable clothes. I find so many aspects of life today fascinating…I don't work in a bubble. I am influenced by the world, and what of the world I know, remember, and hope for. I look forward to the chance to speak to you soon…I really felt a need for calm, and yes, each season is a reaction to the one that came before it. I am certain that what we chose to promote this season was the only, and perfect answer. and, for all those who think Spring Summer didn't sell…..perhaps, they should check our figures before assuming such as fact. I hope you are feeling better…All my best, Marc.

- Posted by Marc Jacobs on February 12th 2008, 6:08 pm


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